Showing posts with label Student Advisor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Student Advisor. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13

10 Things You MUST Do While Still In School

Listen. I have to tell you the truth. It is the bitter truth. I know it might not go down so well with you but then, it must be told.

So many people didn’t learn about this truth. Today, so many are still suffering as a result of that. I don’t want that to be your portion. Which is why I have decided to say it not minding how unsettling this information might be to you.

So are you ready to hear this truth?

Okay, now listen.


I know that some of us will feel like arguing against this bitter truth. I know some of us will like to come up with points or facts that prove that I am so wrong with this timely ‘revelation’ I just made.

But I am also glad that some of us are already aware of this fact.

Yes, school is wasting your time... our time!

For your own sake, please, don’t try to argue with me or resist this information. In fact, if I were you, instead of trying to argue, I will simply be asking the next question.

Which is: what do you say we do then?


Once you recognize a problem, the solution is almost around the corner. So let’s agree that we have now recognized that school is wasting our time.

The next thing on our minds now should be what then do we do?

Thursday, April 21

Setting Your Goals Right

Last time, we talked about setting your goals and its importance towards having a successful future.

Today, I’m going to set you on the path of realizing those goals. I will do this by outlaying the simple process involved starting from setting your own goals to realizing those goals.

So if you are ready, without wasting any more of your time, let’s launch into the process now.

First, for a reminder…

What is a goal?
Let us simply define a goal as something (like a desire) you want to achieve. It can also be said to be at the score that results from doing something.

Wednesday, January 27

My Goal as An Undergraduate

Setting goals is a very effective way of getting ahead in life. Realizing those goals makes one feel alive. In every human endeavor, goals are very important because they serve as checks and balances towards our success and achievement as humans.

Sadly, so many people don’t realize this importance of setting goals. They just ‘go with the flow’ without any form of planning while forgetting that he who fails to plan plans to fail.

As an undergraduate, it is sad to find out to so many of my colleagues do not have any well defined set goals which they are working towards. It's disheartening when you discover that most of us, think that the only reason why we are in school is jut to make good grades and maybe hopefully, get a good job after graduation but the way I see it, it goes much beyond that.

Tuesday, October 14

Questions for Undergraduates

In our today’s world, there is something going on in our country (and in so many other countries around the world too) that is very chilling. Something is very wrong somewhere. And very scary too. It has something to do with undergraduates, majorly…

What could this thing be? Any ideas anyone…?

Of course, don’t look far. It is the fact that more and more undergraduates are finding it very difficult to get a job once they graduate.

Unemployment is the problem. A very big problem. It is very scary but it is the reality.

So what could actually be the problem? Why is it that so many of our youths are unemployed?

Does it mean that our undergraduates are not skilled or qualified enough? Or does it mean that there are no jobs at all to satisfy the needs of millions of graduates who are dumped into the labor market year in year out? Or does it mean that our government has completely lost it and has ran out of ideas on what to do and the necessary or right steps to take to arrest this cumbersome and worrisome development?

Thoughts like this have been bothering me for quite some time and it is the same thought that has spurred me into taking up my pen to write my inner thoughts down.

I knew I had to do this because it was kind of shocking to me when I realized that a greater part of the problem lies with the individual himself.

Try to deny this as much as you want.

Tuesday, May 28

How To Develop A Very Good Memory

The importance of developing a powerful memory cannot be overemphasized. It might seem as if students in schools are the ones that should benefit more from developing their memory because of their academic activities but it goes further than that because in reality everyone, and I mean everyone, should develop a powerful memory.


Good question. Just think about it, everything you have today, everything you know, your family members and loved ones, everything you are today, what you are doing now, where you want to go, the things that brings you happiness and joy, the money in your bank account, the things that make you cry,  all the things that make you who you are today are just a function of your memory!

Friday, May 3

How to Read and Understand

One of the greatest challenges any student might face is how to read and understand. It is very necessary that a student masters how to do such a thing very well because most of his or her academic work involves mainly reading and reading can only become meaningful and useful, if and only if, the study do understand what s/he has read.

In fact, for any student who wants to really score high in all his academic endeavors, I am fully of the opinion that reading and understanding is a MUST!

In this piece, I am going to throw more light and clarify the various methods which I have used from my own experience that can make reading and understanding not only worthwhile but enjoyable.

Saturday, March 16

How to Become A Star Student

There is always that student or students in the class whom we all envy. We just want to be like him or her. Somehow, we have come to recognize this particular student as a star. We also want to be such a star too but we find out that it seems that we can’t be like this person no matter what we do.

Sometimes the reason why it seems so impossible to be like this star student is simply because of our own inhibitions. There are things that we already believe in, things we think we can or cannot do which in one way or the other is blocking or interfering with our ability of becoming a star student.

In this discussion that will follow, I will try to identify some of the simplest ways through which any student can easily become a star student. As you will soon find out, they are really so simple and very very easy to do.

Are you with me? Okay, let’s go. These are some of the ways through which you can become a star student.

Thursday, January 31

Improving Your Intelligence the Simple Ways

There is a great need for us as people to increase or improve our intelligence. Intelligence here is simply defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge so you can imagine a world filled with intelligent people i.e. a world where intelligence rules! The benefits will be too much for us to enjoy. Efficiency and productivity will become the new order of the day both in our individual lives and workplaces too. Technological advancement will be achieved within a small space of time.

Now, becoming more intelligent is a function of exercising the brain. It involves the daily or constant challenging of the brain. To increase your intelligence, you have to challenge your brain by doing old routines in new ways. The ability of improving our memory is also a greater part of improving our general intelligence. According to medical researches and studies, exercising your brain can improve memory and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

But the big question is how can one actually increase his/her intelligence? Are there some simple ways through which it can be done?

Examination malpractice: the silent but dangerous killer!

Examination malpractice is one of the worst problems facing academics in our world today. We see it everywhere as it is gradually becoming a norm and usual thing as more and more candidates continue to embrace and accept it as the only way [viable?] to succeed in their various examination.

But exam malpractice should not be treated with kid gloves. It is a very dangerous but silent killer which is threatening our whole academic establishments world over.

The following are some of the silent but dangerous things which examination malpractice is always doing to us as students.

Wednesday, January 30

How to recognize a serious University student

All that glitters is not gold. Similarly, a popular Igbo proverb says that because all lizards lie on their stomach, you will never know the one(s) that have running stomach. I wonder if lizards do have running stomach but that’s just by the way.

What’s my point?

OK. There are so many students in schools but then, there are students and there are students…

It could also be hard as well as confusing to identify those who are really qualified to bear honorable status of student i.e. those who are really the serious and those who aren't.

What spurred me into this direction?

Monday, January 28

How to score high in Post JAMB

You have really come a long way. You have written that terrible JAMB and you have passed.

I hope you passed, huh?

Okay. But something else remains. There is still one more road to cross - the Post UTME, of course!

Of course, you still have to scale through in that Post UTME, or post JAMB as many prefer to call it before you finally get admitted into your choice tertiary institution.

And that is where all your troubles start to manifest once more.

How to score high in JAMB UTME

Congratulations. So you are also among those who want to know how to score high in JAMB UTME?

Hhm...that's good to hear! You are here because, let me guess...

You are preparing for JAMB for the first time and you want to learn how to pass this JAMB UTME and gain direct admission into the university one time without any stories, am I right?

Or maybe you are here because either your child, your brother or sister or someone you know is going to write this year's JAMB UTME and you want to know how to help him or her pass this very examination without cheating and also without tears after you have seen how hard it is becoming for so many people to gain admission into the tertiary institutions these days?

Or most likely you are tired of being a JAMB customer every year and you want to know what to do (or what you have not been doing right) so as to make this year's JAMB your last and final attempt by becoming successful this year?

In fact, you might even be here just to discover how to scale through in any aptitude examination similar to JAMB?

But you might have ONE very big problem now. Let's look at it closely...
